Maplewood Elementary Has Big Plans for the New Year
Maplewood Elementary invites new and returning students and their families to a Meet the Teacher Night on August 17 and a Back to School Popsicle Social hosted by the PTA on August 18. These events are great ways to (re)connect with the amazing school community. The first official day of school is August 20.
There are many ways to get involved at Maplewood, whether you’re a parent or just want to support your neighborhood school. The PTA would welcome assistance maintaining classroom vegetable gardens, reading with small groups, participating in classroom “MakerSpace” events, organizing school and community-wide events like the Scholastic Book Fair (October 8-12) and Fall Fest (October 27), and more. Email for more info. If you can, consider making a contribution to Maplewood’s back to school fundraising drive, which will support Maplewood students who qualify for free or reduced-priced lunch and ensure students and teachers start the year with the supplies they need. Maplewood PTA’s goal is to raise $1,000 to provide beginning of year supplies for the campus.
New initiatives in 2018–2019 include increasing literacy support for Kindergarten-second graders, the creation of outdoor learning areas around campus, continued tree planting around campus, and working toward becoming a National Wildlife Federation certified Eco-School.
Maplewood Garden Work Day Sept 2017. Photo by J. Potter-Miller.